As you celebrate this weekend,please do so while remembering all our past,present,and future Veterans who so freely gave to us all....
Some gave all and all gave some........
We would like to send a HUGE thank you to all those who serve and have served our country in the military. Their sacrifice and that of their families does not go unrecognized or unappreciated.
Have a Safe & Happy Memorial Day!
We will be closed on Monday for Memorial Day
Hey thanks for the comment! Just wondering IF you all have some grubby lights? I do them in brown cords and in different colors too~!
Just looking around your shop, didn't see any! I am also a Sales Rep. for Mercantile Gatherings too~!! IF you need anything just holler'~!~
Many Blessings in Life.........
Lori Hull
The Olde Primitive House
Hi Cheryl, thanks for visiting my blog! I appreciate the comment, and am glad you enjoyed it!
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