After 15 years it's time to
close the doors for the final time
The Country Junction.
close the doors for the final time
The Country Junction.
Mom has decided she would like to try her hand at an easier lifestyle and I would like to spend more time with my family for a while and help my husband with his business.
As many of you know, it is getting harder and harder for small business to compete in this fast pace world but you, as our customers, have helped us not only live our dream but experience it to the fullest for the last 15 years. We will not miss the hard work that owning your own business entails but we will miss YOU...thank you from the bottom of our hearts and thanks for taking this wonderful ride with us.
I made a little picture show of the last several years..........I didn't have any pictures of our first Kirkwood location , we didn't have digital cameras then, but here's a look back at about the last 8 years or so.
Your shop looked wonderful.
Good luck, you will enjoy your easier lifestyle. I had a shope for almost 4 years, and it is a lot of work. I have no reqrets that I closed the shop. Now, I sell on ebay and I sell Real Estate.
Cheryl, Your family has worked so hard!! You should be so proud at the accomplishments and great friends you have may along your journey as "shop keepers". You are
so talented and will succeed at anything you take on next!! Take Care! Love, Julie & John
thank you vicki for contacting me and I am sorry your beautiful store is closed, but I am glad you get to do whatever it is that makes all of happy. Been there myself and life is wonderful. Country Junction was always an inspirint place to explore and I treasure the things I have bought there. Good luck and God Bless your new beginnings. cindy
sorry to lose another country store, but you have to do what is right for you; I just found you and I am sorry I did not get a chance to shop with you. Good Luck in your future pursuits.
What a wonderful shop!
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